Our Story

Life’s Options Pregnancy Center is a 501(c)(3) organization that has been serving our mountain communities since 1987.  

At Life’s Options Pregnancy Center, we have been assisting women in making informed and healthy decisions about their pregnancies and sexual health for over 30 years. Our services are free and confidential.

An unplanned pregnancy can cause anxiety and stress in many women. These women face tremendous pressure in making their decision for their pregnancy. Uncertain as to what to do, a woman needs someone to talk to. She needs confirmation of her pregnancy, information about her options, and referrals for medical care, financial assistance, and possibly housing alternatives. Our trained and caring staff and volunteers can help with all this and more. No matter what they decide, it has lasting effects on their life and Life’s Options is here to support them.   

According to Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Vital Statistics 10,368 reported abortions took place in Colorado in 2020. This number had a note stating that the statistic was believed to be significantly underestimated due to the fact that those are reported terminations. With access to the Abortion Pill this number is likely significantly underestimated. So, in the state of Colorado for every 1,000 babies born at least 167 babies have been aborted. Lack of support and information are some of the leading reasons why abortion is chosen. 

Our ministry offers free ultrasounds to our clients who desire pregnancy verification.  Life’s Options provides the opportunity for a woman to have her physical, emotional and spiritual needs met by our trained and loving staff.  Women who are abortion minded that see their baby for the first time through ultrasound are much more likely to carry to term. Seeing the life inside them as well as being provided the support they need allows them to see a way forward. Together we can rise to meet the challenge of supporting the worth of each life, born and unborn. 

To support these new moms and their families, Life’s Options runs a retail store, Kids Closet.  The numerous baby supplies, baby and maternity clothes are free to our clients and sold at very reasonable prices to the community.  

How You Can Affect Change

We can’t do this with out you! Stand with us to value life by taking action:
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Pray for Life’s Options ministry, our community, nation and God’s truth to overcome.

Life’s Options 2022 Tax Year 990 Form

Life’s Options is committed to transparency and accountability. Before making a donation, we encourage you to review our most recent Form 990 to better understand how your support contributes to our mission and how we utilize funds to make a positive impact. Your generosity allows us to continue our vital work, and we want to ensure you have the information you need to make an informed decision. If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Life’s Options Pregnancy Center for Tax Year 2022


View our non-profit’s Bylaws through the link below.

LOPC Bylaws

Pray for Our Team:

We always appreciate prayer for our staff and leaders. Below is our list of board members that you can pray for by name. Please see Our Team for more information about our staff, Doctors, and other helpers.

  • Frazer Lockhart – Chairman
  • Kelli Dixon – Executive Director
  • Sharon Wichael – Client Services Director 
  • Janine Payton – Kids Closet Manager 
  • Mary Baum – Nurse Manager
  • Ashley Ruppel – Secretary
  • Tony Palombo – Treasurer
  • Susan Peacock
  • Cathy Peterson

Never trust your fears
They don’t know your strength.